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So after Patron feedback, we're splitting the Expanse video into two videos. The first video will be a spoiler-free introduction to the worlds of the Expanse, and the second video will be an analysis of Book 1 + Season 1. That way we can cater to Expanse newcomers and ubernerds separately – instead of one big video that awkwardly compromises between both.

The first video script is almost done – it explores the cultures and politics of Earth, Mars and the Belt, and includes some neat physics lessons on artificial gravity and such. It introduces the main characters and themes, without giving away too much – just enough to give newcomers a taste of  The Expanse, and perhaps convince them to read/watch the series (:

Once that first video's done, we'll likely put out a super-short ASOIAF video about Nettles and the Burned Men. We don't wanna go too long without a GOT video, and Nettles is a cool obscure story we've been wanting to cover for ages.

After that, we'll do the second Expanse video. It'll explain the complexities of the plot of Book 1, explore its TV adaptation, and analyse the characters and themes – idealism/cynicism, freedom of information, space Mormons, etc.

Making videos on a new series is always big challenge, and The Expanse has a heap of content to analyse – the novels, novellas, comic, TV show, special features, podcast, interviews. Part of the point of Alt Shift X is that we're absurdly thorough with research – so it takes time to process all this material. Most of that work's done now – so the first Expanse video will be out for Patrons in a week or so. The second video will be out sometime in October. Thanks for your patience! We couldn't make videos of this quality without your support.



PS: We've been working on some new logo/branding designs. What do you think of the below?

A step up from the Times New Roman, eh?




after seeing that you'd be covering it I decided to check it out. I was pretty lukewarm to the pilot. But, I know pilots are not always indicative of the rest of the series


Can't wait for the video! The new logo and design look good as well.

Rikke Holmberg

Me too! The pilot definitely does not give the series justice. Give it one or two more episodes before you decide. I was hooked after episode three.