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There’re a few different ways we can approach this last Westworld S2 video. We could do a “Westworld S2E10 Explained”, and analyse the finale episode scene-by-scene – like our other S2 videos. Or we could do more of a “Westworld Season 2 Explained”, and cover the main plotlines of the season overall. Currently, we’re going for something in-between – using the big moments of the finale to reflect on the central character arcs, and the big ideas of the show – Dolores, Maeve, William, the Forge and free will. We won’t try to explain the intricacies of every little detail and side-character – that video would be hours long, and would distract from the most important ideas. Focussing on the main arcs and themes should help us get a clear idea of what this whole crazy season is really about – will call this video “Westworld S2 Finale Explained”.

Does this approach sound good? Are there particular characters and moments you especially want covered? 




I'd like to cover off on that scene with Stubbs and Charlores on the beach... at first I thought he was Teddy in Stubbs' body, which he's clearly not (as revealed in the following scene), so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on what could be going on there...

Jeffrey Boerst

As I was reading your synopsis of the narrative structure options, I was considering a mix of the two could be ideal before I got to the point you mentioned this as your current consideration. Indeed, a mix sounds best, IMO. Using key character scene highlights as anchor points for exploring long game narrative advancement and story arc building could flesh out quite nicely. Please consider including a splash of literary, biblical and sociological symbology analysis, as well. ;) Cheers! PS: I think that devoting a good amount of time to Bernarold's glitching memory and what it divulged to us and when would be a good thing to consider. As Dolores's memory quirks formed the backbone to S01, his mirror the same skeletal framework for the S02 storyline, so pivoting off of that could offer interesting insights.

Alt Shift X

Yeah I think it's deliberately ambiguous – maybe Stubbs is a host working with Ford, maybe he's just sympathetic to the hosts. It's a weird last-minute addition to the story imho... Not sure how I'll approach it in the video yet.

Alt Shift X

I'm pretty dubious of Bernard's timey-wimeyness this season. Not sure how much it really added to his character arc... But we'll see how things go in the script.