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There’s a lot to process this episode – the ghost of Ford, William and Lawrence and Maeve’s near-deaths, Dolores’ assault on the Mesa, further revelations on the Delos project and Valley Beyond… And as ever, each new answer raises new mysteries (:

What are your thoughts and questions for this ep?

Expecting to finish this video on Friday.






Seeing Ford's mind (or consciousness or whatever we're calling it) migrate into Bernard this episode made me think back to the scene in the forward timeline where Bernard sees the bodies floating in the water saying "I killed them all." Is this actually Ford speaking? Is he saying he killed all the hosts? Is he saying he "killed" all the "souls" or backups or what have you in the guests' data in the Valley Beyond to shut down the project? It seems to me he wants to stop "the project" and flooding the place where the data is being stored seems like a great way to do that. Not sure how the dead hosts in the water tie into that though. Either way, Ford's migration into Bernard makes us have to revaluate all the moments we've already seen that occur afterwards as if Bernard is actually Ford or under his control. As if it wasn't already difficult to know who "Bernarold" is in any scene, now we have "Ber-for-nold" (yeah... I know that was bad)


I feel like they can't decide how the hosts are supposed to work. In the first season it was clear that they weren't generally sentient even though they had the necessary hardware. In this episode Bernard talks about how the stable loops kept them "centered" which suggests they've been sentient the whole time.


If it were Ford's consciousness, then I believe he would recall. After all, Ford is the grand puppet master. Befuddlement over a disaster is entirely keeping with the character of poor Bernard.