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Hey guys –

For our next video, we’ll cover one of the more enigmatic minor characters in ASOIAF – Alleras. Alleras is a student at the Citadel with a secret identity, involved with the machinations of Marwyn, some puzzling sphinx symbolism, and the Dornish plot. We started work on an Alleras video way back in 2016, figure it’s about time we finish it – should be pretty quick to make (:

On April 22, Westworld Season 2 begins, and we’re thinking about whether to make weekly episode explainers, like with GOT S6 and S7. If WW Season 1 is any indication, there’ll be heaps of plot intricacies, themes and theories to cover in the new season – and it’ll be exciting to sink our teeth into something totally new. Weekly videos, though, will take up most of May and June, leaving little time for other vids – will it be worth devoting that time to Westworld? I think the right move is to watch the premiere, try a S2E01 video, and see how things go. If the new season is great, and the ASX video is great, and people want more, we’ll make more. If not, we won’t – can always just do a big Season 2 wrapup video at the end. What do you think? Westworld Season 2 videos, or nah?

Also, you might have noticed there’s an Alt Shift X Discord server – a platform for text and voice chat. It’s a ghost town at the moment, but I’d like to breathe some life into it. All Patrons can use the general channel – perfect for chatting live during new seasons of GOT and WW… And there’s a channel called video-talk for $3+ Patrons, where I’ll post behind-the-scenes stuff from ongoing videos. When I’m tossing ideas around, looking for a particular quote, or deciding on imagery, you guys can weigh in. It’ll be like the usual behind-the-scenes Patreon posts, but more immediate – will be heaps fun. Also there’s a small-council for VIP Patrons, where we can drink Arbor gold, mismanage the realm, etc. If there’s any confusion on how to access the Discord, this page will help.

So we're keen to try some new things these next couple months – while also keeping ASOIAF tinfoil close to our heart, where it belongs.





Alt Shift X

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, everyone!


please god definitely do episode recaps.