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This video has been the most difficult to write of all the Season 7 videos. There are heaps of the usual sorts of connections, backstories and mysteries to discuss. But there are also the undeniable failings of the episode, which I try to address in a fair and balanced way. Here's the conclusion so far:
In this episode, Beric says that the enemy is death, and “Maybe we don’t need to understand any more than that”. It’s almost like Beric is telling the audience we don’t need to understand how Jon survived on that island for days, or why the Night King stood and watched. We don’t need to understand why Arya suddenly turns on her sister. Or how Jon survives again and again. Or how Cersei’s reign works politically. And maybe we don’t need to understand. But Game of Thrones at its best isn’t just about battles and tits and dragons. It’s complex politics and human drama that makes you think. David and Dan do an amazing job of adapting a story that George Martin wrote to be unadaptable – and at this point they’ve even run out of books to adapt. But hopefully these last seasons of Thrones can conclude the story without losing that layer of detail and depth that makes Thrones so special. Thanks for watching.

So the script is pretty good, but it's currently too long – over 4000 words. Once it's hammered into shape, it'll be time to record and produce. Expecting a Friday or Saturday release for this one. Thanks for your patience!





I really tried to hang in with this episode and enjoy all the things that were cool about it, like the fun conversations between the characters, the beautiful scenery, and Jon Snow. The further I got into the episode though, the more annoyed I became because we've all invested so much into this story and the characters and Weiss and Benioff have basically checked out because they believe the show to be post-criticism. It's frustrating and unfair. I really wish they would take the time to do the story right. If they need to push the release to write a better script and think through the scenes, then by all means they should do it. It will be awful to have to wait but I'd rather wait for something good than a hackneyed story full of cliches and double entendres. Sorry, just needed a place to vent.

A Joker Fan

Benjen telling John "there's no time" pretty much sums up the season for me. We've been waiting for that reunion since the first episode and that's the payoff? A nonsensical self sacrifice? The overall plot of the episode was good but the way they chose to flesh it out just made no sense and seemed rushed.