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Edit: the livestream is over – you can watch it here!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgt3gaXNdhg 

Hey guys, the S7E04 Patron-only livestream will begin at 9PM ET – in 18 hours! Submit your questions and comments to the Reddit thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AltShiftX/comments/6s3gs8/s7e04_patron_livestream_submit_questions_here/

The livestream will be accessible here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgt3gaXNdhg






Alright so as a book nerd... I'm sorry this is a long comment but I've got a couple complaints about your complaints. You criticized Dany burning soldiers in the field because 1.) Dany could just fly to the King's Landing and end this quickly 2.) Burning soldiers was equivalent to the damage that would happen in the city in terms of loss of human life (maybe that's not what you meant but that is sure what it sounded like) You gave the example of Visenya flying Vhagar to the Vale as historic precedence. Dany's situation is not comparable to Visenya's situation. Visenya captured Ronnel Arryn, the child King of the Vale to negotiate their surrender. This happened AFTER the Field of Fire where all three dragons fought, killing four thousand men and completely obliterating House Gardener. Visenya was wielding an enormous threat with a huge loss of human life fresh in everyone's mind. No one opposing Dany has even seen a dragon in Westeros yet. They have only heard stories of her. Dany has not won a single victory since arriving in Westeros. Flying to King's Landing, a well fortified castle where the ruling monarch is a grown adult, known for cruelty, and actively planning to fight dragons would not only put Dany in danger but civilians in danger. The historic precedence would more parallel Maraxes and Rhaenys. They both died in the First Dornish War. Meraxes was killed by a scorpion bolt, the exact weaponry Cersei is using. Rhaenys was over confident and paid fornthat with her life and her dragon's life at the hand of humans. Even putting away the assumption that Dany is in danger, let's say she is overpowering King's Landing. Say they only have the one scorpion and it is with Jaime so she is free from harm in King's Landing as long as the Lannister armies are on the move and toting the one scorpion around (Which I don't buy that there is just one but okay let's pretend there is) Dany still is using deadly force. If we are assuming the scorpion isn't there, then Jaime isn't there because the army is gone yeah? Well then who does Dany capture? Cersei isn't dumb enough to walk out on a balcony and put herself in harms way of a dragon. There is no one in that city Cersei wouldn't sacrifice to protect herself. Geographically the Red Keep is isolated from the rest of King's Landing. So Dany could minimize the loss of life if she only burns the Red Keep. The Red Keep full of nobles at court, serving maids, cooks, stable hands, and the myriad of people that aren't Gold Cloaks. That is a huge casualty of civilian life. Is Dany supposed to kill these innocents, what will probably be noncombatants (and in all likely hood some children) to get to Cersei? It is all well and good and moral to say that any human life lost is wrong. Any blood spilled is too much blood spilled. In reality if Dany is choosing between battling soldiers in the field and a civilian targert, you have to choose the lesser evil. The returning Lannister/Tarly army just got done slaughtering Highgarden's army. They're soldiers who are fighting, killing, and dying (which yes is horrible). Dany can't and shouldn't equate a target with a dense civilian population (the Red Keep) with attacking soldiers in the field.


yessss, I'm in England so the livestreams are always at about 3am here! would love a time swap hehe

Kelly Theobald

NERD! 😛 These are really good points, though. There's no way Dany can do this without killing a lot of people. I love Tyrion, and you want his no-violence plan to work, but slaughtering people is kind of how Dany gets things done. In Meereen, Jorah (or Missandei?) told her to do things her own way, not her advisors' way. And that's how she's made all her accomplishments; when she listens to her advisors, she doesn't do well, but when she takes action herself, that's when she gets stuff done. And unfortunately her way is not the peaceful way. I'm coming to the conclusion that Tyrion's plan would never have worked for her.