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This episode explored Arya's central conflicts over identity and family, and I'm taking special care to do her part justice.

There's one bit that I'm unsure about, though:

[Hot Pie] asks Arya what happened to her, and she doesn’t answer – how could she? Since they last met, Arya rode with the Hound, murdered some people, joined a death cult, murdered more people, went blind, got stabbed, lost her friend, slayed some Freys, and met Ed Sheeran. How can you begin to explain all of this trauma? 

I think it's hilarious to imply that meeting Ed Sheeran was "trauma". But it might undercut the emotion of this line to include a dumb joke. Could go either way at this point.

The vid's now about 30 hours away. Had some frustrating technical setbacks including a fried hard drive and dead phone. The script is solid though, and the vid will be too once it's complete (:



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