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Hey guys, GOT S7E02 is available now!

We'll hold the Patron-only livestream in about 24 hours, at 9PM ET Monday.

The Explained video will be out ASAP – probably in three days, like last time.





Calin boiii

Shift, please get a Reddit post going for our questions on tonight's stream. I'd like for you to focus on Arya...but not in the way everyone else here is discussing...I mean, the scene with Hot Pie was to tell how different she now is, a cold-blooded assassin on her way to kill the queen, how different she now is from Hot Pie, one of her best friends....but then it takes her two minutes to decide to go back north once she learns her brother is alive? She's that soft? Wasn't the whole point of the second part of her story to show that she's an assassin now? ALSO.....after your first stream I sort of jumped on this bandwagon of Sam Tarly being the narrator of the series....and they might've just hinted at it in this episode, probably not gonna be true but let's discuss the awesomeness of this for a second.

Kelly Theobald

How is no one commenting on the obvious--THEON!!! I actually find him much more interesting than Arya. Arya has felt a little one-track to me lately. And even though Theon is kind of a minor character at this point, he's got so much more internal conflict. Every time he does something bad, he does something good. Every time he does something good, he does something bad. Something tells me he'll do something in the future episodes to redeem himself again. And his emotional process in this episode, from the PTSD-like flashbacks to the look of self-hate while he's drifting in the ocean are so much more heartbreaking to me than Arya's storyline because he's so aware of his own despicable character. I can't wait to hear what Shift has to say about him!