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Hey guys, the livestream is starting in 15 minutes! Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJw-U094oIA

There's a Reddit thread to ask questions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AltShiftX/comments/6nxc4q/s7e01_patron_livestream_questions/


S7E01 Patron livestream

Questions/comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/AltShiftX/comments/6nxc4q/s7e01_patron_livestream_questions/


Alt Shift X

Here are all of the Patron-only livestreams in a YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6yDpEottdjUHcVMdqJpsgZ_1Nc8OkMl


"I'm terrified of saying the word 'Feminism' because if you do that on Youtube it's like saying Voldemort." HAHAHAHA!!! I couldn't have come up with a more accurate analogy of the internet/social media culture of extremes. Honestly it's really what it's come down to. You even demonstrate as such right after when talking about how HBO (or D&D) changed Euron Greyjoy from the Vanilla "I'm going to murder them" evil bad guy from last season to the rainbow coloured "peanut M&M" weird funny bad guy of this season. Like much of Hollywood and the internet/social culture it essentially reflects, the show is just obsessed with extremes. ''Viewers didn't like our boring cliché bad guy of last season, well let's turn him into a silly wisecracking caricature this season instead. That'll work!'' It tries to be a social chameleon but only achieves to be mercurial and bipolar, embodying the very worst of a largely radicalized society. Great post as usual. Love your common sense. Cheers!