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Hey guys, the Cersei video is almost complete! Design, audio and camera are done – all that's left to do are the clip timings and animations.

This is the longest ASX video ever, over 25 minutes long. It's also the most visually complex, with over 600 individual layers. So these final production steps will be tricky. The Alt Shift X patented panny-zoomyTM production style has always been a bit touch-and-go – After Effects was not designed to handle compositions of this size. So honestly I'm not sure how difficult this last production phase will be... But it'll be doable – and I expect it'll be done in 2-3 days.

I think this is the best ASX video yet – can't wait to upload it for you guys. Thank you for your support!





Looking forward to it! Goodluck with the final phase!


Can't wait to find a place to hide myself with a coffee, away from the husband and two kids for a half hour of peace and GOT theorizing!