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Hi guys, hope all are fine with all of with you. Recently i saw some profiles inside twitter with the name motherlodesims, i'll advise that all profiles inside TWITTER or another social medias was not created by me. So if you really want my all credits for all my work, you can follow me through here:  https://motherlodesimsww.wordpress.com https://motherlodesims.gumroad.com https://www.facebook.com/motherlodesims4/  

Just for all of you be safe, i used not to have media conversations. If you really want to know my work, just for these medias above.  Thanks for all of you keeping me support!



I am so sorry someone is trying to steal your likeness to get credit and possibly even get money off you. Hopefully you can get it resolved!


Maybe i could expressed something wrong, i know that people like to create stories, anyway, but i would like to apologize anyone here that could commited some mistake and though that my work stoped. Maybe I've commited some mistake and wouldn't like to criticize any work inside the sims community. I preffer don't mess around with people in this part, you know. Thanks for your support! :D


I did a bit atualization on this list about my profile inside The sims 4 studio community. Yes, i'm there. It's me all right, don't worry!