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This video is what they did to promote games back before Mega64 existed.


Famicom Wars Promotional Video [VHS Rip]

A video rip of an official VHS promotional tape for Famicom Wars, the game that eventually gave us Advance Wars. There's a little bit of game footage here, and an equal amount of a strange domestic scene. Also, the army promo that appeared in practically every episode of Famimaga Video. Recorded from a JVC Super VHS video deck and upscaled to 4K via Retrotink 4K. You may freely use portions of this video for your own work as needed! All I ask for my efforts in getting this material online is a small source credit in your video or footnotes.



even famicoms in official nintendo tapes don't have the red plug for the expansion port. it's just so darn easy to lose them (not me, i still have one)