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Another bonus video, a week after the last? Yes, well, this is my last chance to get Epoch-related content out ahead of RndStranger's daily video series. That rascal, undercutting my years of planning like this.

But also, I felt pretty inspired by the quality of the games in question. Well, the game. Comic Circus turned out to be way better than I expected! I genuinely enjoyed it. I can't say the same about the second game this episode, but it does at least have the benefit of being a very strange landmark in video game history. For whatever that's worth.


Sendin' the clowns: Comic Circus & Milky Princess | NES Works Gaiden: Epoch-12

The Super Cassette Vision gives us another obvious rip-off of another company's arcade hit, and it's... pretty great? Comic Circus wears its influences on its sleeve, but the game absolutely bursts with colorful personality and tons of visual details that complement its inventive play quirks. A surprising standout for the system. On the other hand, Milky Princess breaks new ground as the first astrological fortune-telling game for a console, but... well, it's an astrological fortune-telling game. Even the addition of a custom console variant and the endorsement of a celebrity astrologer doesn't change the fact that this is a game in which an 8-bit processor presumes to know your destiny based on your birthday. Oh, and blood type. This game did come from Japan, after all. Production notes: Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! Super Cassette Vision footage recorded from original hardware via legacy RGB cable. NES/Famicom footage captured from @analogueinc Nt Mini; SG-1000 footage recorded from Analogue Mega Sg Video upscaled to 720 with Micomsoft's xRGB Mini Framemeister; arcade footage captured from MiSTer when possible, with thanks to @MiSTerAddons.



I'm amazed Milky Princess lets you input dates starting with 20. Epoch wanted you use this for DECADES


Having played Exidy's Circus at Galloping Ghost, this is a much more merciful and charming work. Everything is so lively, well-animated, and shockingly fair for the era. What a lovely little gem of a game. Circus may be an also-ran compared to Space Invaders, but it was apparently big enough to end up a centerpiece in YMO's first album both in the cover art and in the samples used to represent "video games" inside it, coming in at equal importance as Invaders, so I wonder just how much that game really penetrated the Japanese market. The era between the original Invader Boom and the ramp-up of other arcade games in Japan has always been fascinating and under-documented to me.


I wish people knew about this on the eve of Y2K. This throwaway Japanese cartridge from 1985 has better compliance than the massive enterprise systems of multinational conglomerates.

Jeremy Parish

Yep, I wrestled with whether or not to mention YMO, but I didn't want to get too far into the weeds...