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I doubt anyone is enjoying reading these as much I'm enjoying writing them, so thanks for indulging me!


The Anatomy of Bionic Commando | 4 | Meet with enemies and descend

At this point it behooves us to discuss some of the unique features that set apart from other platformers of its vintage. Yes, it's very neat that you can swing about with a grappling arm, but by no means was that the extent of Bionic Commando 's deviations from run-and-jump standards.


Mark Magdamit

I'm loving these, so keep it up! I got the game a few months after it was released in the US and spent that Christmas dissecting the game. I loved discovering the "experience" system, grinding for bullets, figuring out where I could glitch through platforms, and swing lithely across spotlights in the dark. Once one understands how to control Rad, it becomes easy to appreciate the deliberate yet crisp controls and the wonderful, well-designed levels. The GameBoy version was equally as fun; was that also by the same team? I just could not get into the GameBoy color version at all. Something felt off about the control, and the presentation was a bit gaudy. I'm still dallying with the ReArmed version of the game. I'm not sure how I feel about those advanced techniques they added to the formula just yet.