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I've normally posted my weekly video by now, but I'm running behind this week due to circumstances beyond my control. It should be up later today, but Everything Going On has finally caught up with me and I'm a bit behind the ball. I'll be back on track next week, though!

To tide you over, here's a VHS rip of an official Star Soldier strategy guide video.


Star Soldier Official Video [1987, Toho Video]

A digital rip of an official Star Soldier video featuring Master Takahashi's pro strats. You saw a bit of this in my Star Soldier episode, but here's the entire thing in its 16-shot glory.



Falling behind on videos, I can tolerate. Falling behind on Heiankyo Alien references, is unforgivable. ♥️♥️♥️

Vicky Lamburn

Hehe this was surprisingly interesting, and I was even more surprised I understood most of it; I guess those three and a half years living in the sticks, clawing tooth by nail to learn Japanese is beginning to pay off. I'm sure most people's idea of a pay off wouldn't be listening to a nearly 40 year old VHS recording but it is to me :)