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Greetings, friendly neighborhood backers. The long-awaited book edition of The Anatomy of Mega Man and Mega Man 2 is here... at least in PDF form, anyway. As a special thanks for your support, you get access to this well before anyone else. Due to my being out of the country for most of September, I unfortunately won't be able to ship printed books to those of you who are slated to receive those until next month, but you can browse through the digital version now on any device that supports PDFs. Please let me know if you spot any errors, so I can make corrections for the print edition! (And if you don't mind, I humbly request that you please don't share/upload this book for others.) Thank you once again for supporting my frivolous side projects... I can't begin to tell you how much your backing means to me.



Jeremy Parish

Glad you like it. The cover artist was... me. I'm a little rusty, though, so it looks kind of wonky.

Mark Magdamit

Nah, looks great, Jeremy! You did a good job. I did find a typo on page 6 (Gutsman). Looks like you're missing a word (Metool?): "Since you don’t stand directly in front of the (?), it’s not too tough to pass between the safe spots in their projectile spreads."