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A little something different this week in terms of bonus content: Music! In addition to tracking down weird old video tapes about classic games, I've also been grabbing weird old albums related to classic games from time to time. This one, Ultima Mix, showed up in Japan around the same time as the Famicom port of Ultima Exodus (featured in a recent NES Works) and contains about 40 minutes of remixed, rearranged music from that version of the game—most or all of which, to my knowledge, Pony Canyon/Newtopia Planning created from scratch for the game. This sounds nothing like the NES game, instead being full-on synth rock compositions like you would have heard in contemporary movies of the era. And vocal tracks!! 

It's weird and interesting, and, given the popularity of the Ultima episode, I thought you might enjoy listening to it. Surprisingly, rips this album exist do online but are fairly different to find, and certainly no one else has bothered to upload a vinyl rip (for whatever that's worth). Unfortunately, Patreon's crummy system only lets me upload a single music track at a time, so I can't post the entire album here in a single shot. Please look forward to Side B another time....

Track listing, per the Ultima Codex Wiki (which, interestingly, doesn't even mention the vinyl LP release of this album, only the CD):

1) “Chika Meikyu— Dungeon”— (Dungeon)
2) “Yuushatachi no Tabi” (“Heroes are on a Journey”)
3) “Ambrosia no Nazo” (“The Secret of Ambrosia”)
4) “Michi heno Koukai” (“Voyage to Unknown Place”)
5) “Heart no Jishaku” (“The Compass in my Heart”)
6) “Kyoufu no Exodus” (“Fearsome Exodus”)




Super fist bump for this

James Ryall

Dang, track 2 slaps