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The next exciting chapter of Good Nintentions is here! The tone of this episode was flavored by (1) the enormous amount of Mario Bros. fatigue and disinterest I've observed among Nintendo fans over the past decade and (2) the fact that, divorced of Nintendo's constant rehashes, it's a pretty darned great little arcade game. In that light, I've saved the discussion on Mario Bros. remakes etc. for a Good Nintentions Gaiden episode, with the purpose of this video simply being to focus on the innate quality of Mario Bros. without any distractions. Hope you enjoy the conclusions I've come to!


Mario Bros. retrospective: The overlooked evolutionary link | Good Nintentions #022

Mario recovers from his brief descent into villainy and lays down the groundwork for the platforming concepts that would make him (and his green sibling) long-term fixture of video gaming. But the difference in timing between the game's arrival in Japan and the west created a tremendous gulf in public perception of this arcade classic...


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