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Wow, this is late! I think this is the first time I've missed my self-imposed production schedule in more than a year. Let me tell you, this video project was a comedy of errors... but never mind that. The important thing is, it's done now. Please enjoy, and I will work hard to have the next episode finished in a more timely fashion...


Donkey Kong Jr. retrospective: Another vine mess | Good Nintentions #020

The companion piece to Donkey Kong, this pint-sized (not really) sequel showed up on both Famicom - and NES three years later! - day-and-date with dad. The two make a tidy pair, though for various small reasons, Jr. doesn't quite live up to his vaunted papa's legacy.


Sean Sutton

Hey Jeremy. The '2 peas from the same pod' analogy has really stuck with me. Wasn't sure what you were up to at the start of the vid, but as usual it worked out. Another 10 / 10 from me.

Sean Clements

Great video. Personally I always felt DK JR was nearly as great as DK and stood on its own. And was a pretty big deal at the time. It just plays totally different. Like the key stage with the chains was always more fun for me than the DK stages. Maybe because it's all climbing. But the second level never really did work for me, for reasons you elaborated on.