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Greetings to all! I am pleased to upload and present to you, exclusively, the digital version of the SG-1000 Works book, which launches in print form this summer. (I have locked in the names of patrons who will be receiving the book once it goes live, so you're good... and it'll arrive more promptly than last autumn's NES Works books, which got a little gummed up and will finally begin shipping next week.)

As always, I ask that you please do not share or upload this file! It represents thousands of hours of work for me.

I genuinely feel that SG-1000 Works is the best book I've published to date, with the nicest-looking layout, the most substantially reworked content, the most exhaustive copy editing, and—above all—the most in-depth coverage anyone on the planet has ever afforded this fairly esoteric (but nevertheless landmark) slice of video game history. I can't wait for you to read it, whether in digital or print form.

Video bonuses resume next month! Please look forward to it, etc.


Michael Deutsch

Congratulations for finishing the book! I have been looking forward to it since you finished the video series. Having know next to nothing about the SG-1000 at the start, it turned out be a really interesting journey. Thanks to you I have also discovered a lot of good games to play that I would have never tried on my own.

Justin McCrindle

Looks so good! And it’s a beefy one too! Congrats on completing it and can’t wait to read it now and when the physical copies arrive. This was a fascinating series. Your work is always top-tier stuff.