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Now that it's funded (thank you for making that happen!) I'll be hosting weekly Gintendo streams. Or maybe more than weekly. I don't know. Basically whenever I can. Whenever my liver can afford the abuse.

I kicked things off yesterday, all formal-like, with a Zelda II stream. I was going to play it on one of the "those exist!?" grey carts, but upon further consideration realized it would probably be more interesting to play the Japanese version of the game to show off some of the differences between the two regions. So please enjoy the stream archive, if you didn't catch it yesterday. 

In the future, I'll be sure to make announcements for streams here as well as on the Retronauts blog!


Gintendo stream #02: Zelda II [NES]

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, let's revisit the game... in Japanese, with all the weird music and sound effects and sprites that entails! Liquor accompaniment courtesy of Distillery No. 209's Barrel Reserve Gin.


Lorenzo Hulzebos

Big thanks from me! First time I could catch a Gintendo as you were streaming, since the previous two times it was too late for my European delicateness to keep awake. So thanks for that.

Mike Wasson

This was a lot of fun to watch live--had completely forgotten that the creepy game over screen was added in the American version. Impressive that you almost finished two palaces, while drinking, in an hour.