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And with that, the Cassette Vision retrospective series is now in the bag. Whew, a daunting 11 games. Amazing I made it through alive.

I hope you've enjoyed this break from the usual—I have a few more pre-NES Japanese consoles lined up (or mostly lined up) for coverage in the coming years. And, of course, more Epoch. So much more Epoch.

Thanks everyone for watching! Hope you enjoyed your early glimpse into this series. I will be taking next month to regroup for my next platform (probably Microvision, but maybe not??) but don't worry, you won't lack for a February exclusive: The SG-1000 Works book will be done and ready to print in a week or two.


All kinda-good things: Monster Block & Elevator Panic | NES Works Gaiden: Epoch-05

Another system complete! With this episode, our look at Epoch's Cassette Vision comes to an end. Ah, but don't worry—this system's retirement doesn't even begin to signal the company's intention to depart from the console race. As Monster Block and Elevator Panic perform the Cassette Vision's funeral rites, not one but two new systems would emerge from Epoch's mad think tank.... As for the games themselves, Monster Block offers a pretty obvious riff on Sega's Pengo that uses an added score mechanic to really test the ol' noggin. And Elevator Panic combines a whole lot of different influences while building on Monster Mansion's framework. I realize now that I forgot to cite the most obvious influence here—Universal's Space Panic—but honestly there are only so many "homage" citations I can fit into one of these episodes. Anyway, thank you for following me on this brief jaunt into an esoteric corner of Japanese console history. And thanks once again to Christa Lee for performing the mod work to make it possible! Luckily, Super Cassette Vision shipped with RGB capabilities built in right out of the box, so that run of episodes needs no extra work and is gonna look gooooood. Production notes: Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! Cassette Vision footage recorded from original hardware, modded for S-Video output by Christa Lee of Sound Retro Co. Super Cassette Vision footage recorded from original hardware via legacy RGB cable. NES/Famicom footage captured from @analogueinc Nt Mini; SG-1000 footage recorded from Analogue Mega Sg Video upscaled to 720 with Micomsoft's xRGB Mini Framemeister; arcade footage captured from MiSTer when possible, with thanks to @MiSTerAddons.



This has been my favorite spin-off so far! What a cool little console. Very curious to learn about the "super" edition.


That was a great time. Thank you for shedding light on this incredible piece of hardware. As with Atari 2600, it's truly incredible what people can do with a box that was only meant to play Pong (or, in the case of the VCS, Combat)