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Yeah, I know, I said I wasn't going to do another Game Boy World for a while. But then I spent all day and night yesterday with my computer tied up ripping LP records for a Retronauts episode, which meant couldn't do any audio recording or video editing work. Instead, I used the down time to write this script, and it all snowballed from there.

I would like to offer you a comprehensive look at the video game Patlabor: The Mobile Police, but unfortunately the language barrier and lack-of-quality barrier both conspired to keep me from making much progress here. So please enjoy instead a video that's about 2/3s a fond look at Patlabor the franchise and a few minutes of "meh" about the game. 

Someone actually predicted this exact outcome for the content mix, incidentally. So, well done, you.


Patlabor: The Mobile Police retrospective: Well, at least the anime's good | Game Boy World #081

Yep, it's another Game Boy release based on an anime, and you know what that means: The game itself is pretty lousy and forgettable, so the episode mostly consists of me waxing rhapsodic about the property itself. Patlabor was great, and deserved a MUCH nicer interactive adaptation.


Max Smith

Now I want to see the Patlabor TV series! Can't say I want to play the game however. It's also really pleasing how nicely the ping pong at the end syncs up with the music.

Max Smith

Also - I don't think this will change the review at all, but here is a video of someone playing Patlabor past the first level (registration required?!) - <a href="http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm720957." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm720957.</a> The part you want is at 3:56. What is going on? I have NO idea. Maybe you will. You can also see further into the game at the same site - <a href="http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm721074." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm721074.</a>

Jeremy Parish

Thanks for finding that. Looks like it plays the same throughout, so I don't need to amend anything. But I should really sit down and try translating that end-of-stage text, because the numbers seemingly have no relation to the codes you use.