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Hello, all. I've completed the first draft of my next Good Nintentions script. Exciting? Perhaps. More noteworthy is that I'm hoping to have the video complete tomorrow, assuming all goes well. With luck, I can get into a routine that allows me to post videos here a week before they go live on YouTube, as with Retronauts podcasts. I'm putting my holiday break to good use.


Scott Schneider

I have mentioned this before, but I think it's worth mentioning again: I am a longtime backer, and I would prefer that content would just go public to the standard places when done. I, personally, don't benefit from content posted through Patreon because when I sit down to consume such content, I don't check Patreon. I just load up the YouTube app on my iPad and check to see what's new. I'm typically not logged into Patreon, and at any given time, it's unlikely I'll remember what content I've gotten notices for. I think I understand your motivation: you greatly appprecitate our patronage, and want to demonstrate that appreciation by giving us primary access. But, for myself, it doesn't jibe with how I consume media in general, so it doesn't make a difference. I think of myself as a patron, not a customer, so I'm fine if the general public gets access to the content as the same time as me.

Jeremy Parish

That's fine. I'm keeping the same weekly public schedule, so nothing will change for you, and as you say it doesn't make a difference to you. But about half of this campaign's patrons do watch videos before they go public, and I will continue to provide that benefit for them.