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Well, it had to happen eventually — the worst and most overpriced game in Nintendo's Black Box pantheon. Like Stack-Up, it feels partially incomplete. And, like Stack-Up, no one bought it back in the day... so naturally it's incredibly expensive to own today. Good lord, though, is it so not worth the eBay price. It's not even worth the Virtual Console price. But hey, at least instead of just loudly lamenting this game's existence, I've offered a clear explanation of why it's so awful. Amaze your friends with this incredible trivia!


Good Nintentions Episode 017: Donkey Kong Jr. Math [Nintendo, 1986]

Welcome to Good Nintentions 1986! Sort of! Donkey Kong Jr. Math's release date is the subject of some uncertainty, but it's hard to imagine much of anyone cares. There's not much good about this game, which in some ways feels as though it was shipped before being completed.


Mike Wasson

My parents picked this up at a second hand store--I must have been seven or eight years old--along with Donkey Kong Jr. and I think Donkey Kong 3. Your analysis spot on; it could have been something interesting, but edutainment is the last refugee of scoundrels trying to ship a product as fast as possible. I doubt I played it for more than two hours; that it was so long speaks to childhood tenacity and lack of other options, that it was so short speaks to its boring and awkwardness. Those Ebay prices are painful, as I doubt I have it anymore; I think we pawned it off for something more enjoyable, maybe one of the later Mega Mans.