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Hey everyone! More Goonies II today. Game Boy World should get back underway soon; I've been waiting to record more footage until I came into possession of the Framemeister RGB converter unit a very generous reader donated to enable absolutely perfect video capture. It has arrived! And hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to get it working with my capture device sooner than later... In the meantime, I've been having a great time rediscovering The Goonies II. This game gave me a lot of trouble when I was younger, but parts of it are actually really nicely designed!


The Anatomy of The Goonies II | 2 | Pincers of peril

Before we delve any further into the design of The Goonies II, it's important to take a step back and talk about one of the most curious fundamental concepts behind the game: The idea of front and back. When you pause the action, you're taken to a Zelda-esque menu screen.


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