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This week's video will probably run a bit late – I'm traveling and, if you can believe it, producing high-quality video is really difficult on the road. I'll see about making it up to you by putting together a mid-week bonus. This month's going to be a little rocky as a whole. In a few days, I'm turning my home office inside-out so we can get proper shelving and desks installed. That'll take two weeks, during which time I'll have family visiting... and once they leave, MORE family comes to visit for Thanksgiving. I have a few thoughts in mind for keeping to my normal schedule despite disruptions and personal obligations. The video game history spice must flow! Also, something cool: Chris Kohler has offered to make his complete Virtual Boy collection available if I ever decide to do Virtual Boy World. Now I just need to figure out how to record VB video....



Contact Nintendo of America? They might be able to loan you some kit that will allow for capture, since it was needed to make adverts and such back then.

Jeremy Parish

Unfortunately, that is not really a thing NOA would ever do. Nintendo PR likes me, but they don't like ANYONE that much.