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Good morning. Well, maybe. I am jetlagged to the point of misery at the moment, as my frail and aging body has a tough time adjusting to 13-hour time changes the way it used to. So, here is a slightly early post for NES Works as we move beyond episode 100 and close in on the end of 1988. Apologies again for any audio or video weirdness here, as I once again recorded and produced this thing largely on the road, far from my beloved camcorder and studio mic setups. 


Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom & Rampage retrospective: Smash’n grab | NES Works #101

A curious release this week, as we come to a game that shipped twice for NES: Once with Nintendo's approval, and once illegally. Ever the rogue, that Indiana Jones. Like Tengen's early conversion of Gauntlet, Temple of Doom adapts an arcade game but makes quite a few changes to its structure, format, and objectives. Capcom didn't have the monopoly on dramatic reinterpretations of coin-op titles for NES, it seems, although Temple of Doom is no Bionic Commando. On the other hand, we also have Data East's disappointingly literal interpretation of Midway's Rampage. Of all the games that could have benefitted from some sort of enhanced gameplay loop or added depth for its console iteration, this is it. But no, Data East simply stripped it down and removed features, making for a game with little challenge or variety over its entire running length. Production note: NES footage captured from @Analogue Mini. Arcade footage captured from MiSTer FPGA cores; special thanks to @MiSTer Addons. Video upscaled to 720 with XRGB Mini Framemeister. Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more!



The Temple of Doom game is just....obtuse is a fun word, but not quite good enough to describe how baffling it all was. I'm reading many stories about how folks just gave up five minutes into a rental, and that sounds similar to my experience. And Rampage. Yeah. Holy hell that looks pretty ugly. Much uglier than I remember. And yeah, we all had a LOT more patience back in the day. Two players and dammit, we were going to finish that game. No matter what. Honestly, even something like its later sequel, Rampage World Tour, had no way of fixing how deeply repetitive this type of gameplay is when doing it for a long period of time.

Captain Ginyu

Thanks, Jeremy! Please take care of yourself first and foremost. Video Works only *works* when you're healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

Benjamin Wilder

I can't speak to anything except my own experience, but despite the limited game play my brother and I sunk a TON of hours into Rampage. We (usually) started with the goal of actually trying to finish the game, but somewhere around the 4th or 5th stage things we'd start trying to murder and then eat each other. Good times.