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Well, thanks to the freaking hurricane, I spent much of my weekend without electricity... which means I didn't have time to put together the video I had planned. Instead, I only had time to create the first half of the Good Nintentions hardware retrospective. Not really what I had in mind, but I feel like I have a pretty good excuse! Anyway, hope this passes muster regardless.


Good Nintentions #000, Part 1: The NES/Family Computer

The first part of a look back at the NES hardware itself begins with the origins of its Japanese version, the Family Computer - Famicom for short. This episode adapted from the text of Good Nintentions 1985, with special thanks to Steven Lin.


Max Smith

Great video! I know you don't have time to fix these things, but just wanted to let you know the overlay at 1:30 is incorrect. It refers to the Epoch SuperVision, but should actually be for the Computer TVGame.

James Jackson

That Xbox 360 flash frame at about 7:20 absolutely killed me xD

Jeremy Parish

Thanks for noticing that. Actually an easy fix... I edited the Evan Amos credit for an Epoch still at about 3:00 and forgot I had also used the same caption file for the Nintendo console.