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Hello patrons,

This week's bonus update is available for you to check out—the latest work-in-progress version of Segaiden Vol. I. The project has come along considerably since the last time I shared it—only a handful of photos are missing now, the structure and content order are sorted, embellishment photos are placed, and it's essentially in its final form except for massive text revisions and some sidebars. Oh, and I've completed the cover as well.

My goal is to be able to have both this and NES Works Vol. 0 (focused on Famicom pre-NES) up for sale next summer, just in time for the 40th anniversary of the SG-1000 and Famicom. In the meantime, you can get a glimpse of the final product.

I'm hoping to have the final version of the book completed and ready for you around Thanksgiving. This will probably be the final WIP book update for a while, though, because I finally have the resources and equipment I need to begin working on monthly patron-exclusive bonus videos. Beginning next month, you'll be learning all about the Epoch Super Cassette Vision... and that's just for a start. Please look forward to it, and, as always, thank you so much for making it possible for me to create extravagantly niche content like this. I couldn't do it without your support!




Peter LaPrade

So the Super Cassette Vision videos are the patron exclusive videos? Looking forward to learning more about 1980s consoles.

Jeremy Parish

Let's say Patron-exclusive for a year or so. There has never been a serious attempt to document this console in any real depth in English, so it seems uncool to permanently pay-gate it. Once that's done, there's Cassette Vision, Microvision, Game Pocket Computer, Neo Geo Pocket, WonderSwan... no end of unloved platforms to tackle.


Around Thanksgiving?! That'll be a perfect gift to myself under the tree then. Definitely anticipating it.

Jeremy Parish

I meant the digital file should be ready around November! Printed edition next summer. However, both NES 1987 and the NES 85/86 omnibus will be in everyone's hands in time for the holidays for sure.