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Here's a great example of what Game Boy World is all about. I'd never have even given this game a second glance if I weren't producing a video about it, and that would have been a shame! It's really good. Definitely dig up a copy of this one if you can swing it.


Game Boy World #076: Amazing Penguin [Natsume, 1990]

A wonderfully charming and immensely playable little puzzle-action game from Natsume. Yes, even on a system loaded down with games like this, there's still breathing room to appreciate exemplary renditions of the genre. Definitely one worth tracking down. (Special thanks this episode: Armen Ashekian.)


Jennifer Cheeseman

I couldn't help but have I massive grin on my face as you detailed this game. I'm so glad that (finally!) you've made it to this game and hopefully move forward to find other gems that will help make the rest of 1990 and 1991 much, much more bearable. I love Amazing Penguin, it really is a perfect Gameboy Gem. It's games like this that make collecting for the Original Gameboy such a treat. Hope we'll see more games like it as the months progress on this project!

Ryan Langley

Great Game Boy World! Looking up the manual, it's so bizarre that more than half the enemies are things like "Pencil", "Crayon", "Paperclip" and "Eraser"