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Hey everyone, just posting a general announcement that if you are someone who should be receiving a physical copy of Good Nintentions 1985... that copy is in production now and will be shipping directly to you soon. If you are someone who should be receiving a PDF version, that will be up and ready for you no later than this weekend. (I'd post it right now, but the PDF version requires some changes to pagination notations within the text and I'm currently grinding through a Shin Megami Tensei review in my evenings.)

If none of this applies to you, don't sweat it. But thank you for your support!

Also worth mentioning is that I've made one final change to this Patreon campaign as a whole, a revision I've been meaning to make for a couple of months. Having gotten a better sense of what I can manage in terms of a workflow and schedule, I've simplified my campaign goals to three tiers: One, a single weekly video. (That's where we are now and seem likely to stay!) Secondly, two weekly videos at a higher monthly funding level — basically, funding enough that I could say, "Hey, I'm cool accepting a lower-paying position at work, with fewer responsibilities, so I can spend more time on videos." It seems unlikely, but wouldn't that be interesting? And finally, off in the far distance, three weekly videos at a level that would allow me to make a full-time living from making granular videos about forgotten Game Boy games (etc.). Obviously this will never happen, but as much as I love where I work there's no crime in daydreaming about just doing my own thing.

In the meantime, expect a new Game Boy World next week. I know, I said the 27th, but I'm all about studying the past in detail, not accurately predicting the future.


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