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The nice thing is, you can enjoy Super NES's birthday gift, too. So please enjoy. 

(Sorry about those couple of audio glitches — I've been under severe time constraints for the past month and wouldn't have been able to get this episode finished this weekend if I'd waited to re-record.)


Mode Seven #001: F-Zero [Nintendo, 1991]

Hey kids, let's celebrate 25 Super NES by kicking off a (very infrequently updated) new video series: Mode Seven. Like Good Nintentions, it'll be a chronological survey of U.S. releases for Super NES, sequenced according to Nintendo's official launch dates.


Nick Fugitt

Looking forward to MartyMania, a chronological look at the games of the FM Towns Marty

steve mcsteve

One day my wife asked me what the difference was between 2D and 3D games. I tried explaining it to her in different ways, only to get a blank stare in return. At that point I realized its actually difficult to explain without a visual aid, so I showed her this video and then I took her through the courtyard in Mario 64 and I think the both of them helped her understand. This video did a fantastic job of explaining concepts I have taken for granted for so long I never realized the complications of teaching them to someone else