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I've had a really great time discovering and researching the SG-1000 library, and I hope you have too. If not, well, thanks for bearing with me. And if so, you'll probably enjoy this episode, which replaces the original introductory warm-up piece and also includes a full rundown of the system's library... this time, in actual release order, and with the proper color palettes. I wish I had known how to capture SG-1000 color accurately back when I began this effort, but alas. This overview will, hopefully, put things right. (As will the book, of course.)

Now, on to Game Boy.


SG-1000 in Review: Happiness is SG-1000 in the rear-view mirror | Segaiden #029

Our shared journey through the SG-1000 library has been illuminating, and in this episode I attempt to encapsulate much of what has been covered here over the past year. This episode isn't simply a recap and recontextualization of the system, though—it's also an attempt to reconcile some issues in my coverage of the individual games. Part of what I've learned since early 2021 has been how to properly record the SG-1000 color palette, something I struggled with all along whether I was recording from Analogue clone hardware or an actual SG-1000. The system's limited but distinctive color options are a big part of what defines it! Also, we have a MUCH better sense of the actual release order of SG-1000 games thanks to the work of Gaming Alexandria. So, this episode is one part recap, one part quick review of 70+ games in proper order with proper color. From here, I'm going to take a brief Sega break before returning late this spring or early summer to dive into the Mark III and transition into the Master System. Stay tuned! Video Works is a patron-funded project. For early video access, exclusive videos and publications, and more, please support my work at www.patreon.com/gamespite! Production notes this episode: • SG-1000 footage captured from @Analogue Mega Sg with SG-1000 and MyCard adapters • NES footage captured from @Analogue Nt Mini • Mark III/Master System footage captured from Sega Mark III with FM Sound Unit RGB mod by @iFixRetro • Arcade footage captured from MiSTer, courtesy of @MiSTer Addons • RGB footage upscaled to 720 via @Retro Tink 5X • Firm info on the SG-1000 software chronology unearthed by Tweakbod at Gaming Alexandria.


James Jackson

I really appreciate all the work you've put into the SG-1000 series. I knew next to nothing about the console before. I can't say I'm terribly interested in playing any of its games, but it definitely gives me a great appreciation for the Colecovision, Master System, and Famicom.

Daniel Hoffman

I've really enjoyed this look back over the past year on a console I barely knew existed beforehand. One question- has Sega (or for that matter, any company) ever re-released any SG-1000 games in any form (compilations, unlockables in other games, ect.)? Because Sega published every SG-1000 game, I wonder whether other companies even have the right to re-publish SG-1000 games...or maybe the rights to classics such as "Champion Kendo" and "Pop Flamer" have been lost to time (and a maze of legal issues)

Jeremy Parish

The only SG-1000 reissue I'm confident about is the Sega Ages Wonder Boy collection for PS2, which included this version of Wonder Boy (and was my first experience with the platform). A vague nagging sensation tells me something else has shown up somewhere, like Girl's Garden appearing in some unrelated collection or the like.