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Hi everyone, despite the challenges this month has posed for me (personally and professionally) I'm trying to get ahead of the ball again and — hopefully! — build enough padding into my schedule that I can publish weekly Game Boy World videos and squeeze in regular extras as well (currently I have in the works: Super Mario Bros. for Good Nintentions, a backer bonus episode, and The Anatomy of Dragon Quest Pt. I). To that end, I've wanted to put together a big ol' stack of scripts to start producing. And here were are. Besides the Ranma script, which I'll be editing into a video tomorrow, I also now have the next two episodes in sequence written: Puzznic and Ishidō: The Way of Stones. But you know what's really awesome? Once these are done, I can write about something that isn't a puzzle game again. I, for one, can't wait. Anyway, look forward to a new video tomorrow, and probably two or three more before the end of the month!



Best wishes and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we hope everything gets better. Thanks for all the content.


Hopefully, you'll be able to overcome whatever hardships you're dealing with!