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Here's the second of those promised videos. Once again, it may be a couple of weeks before the next one is ready — I have to spend this coming weekend in San Francisco for 12 hours of Retronauts sessions, and that precludes doing much video work. I hope to have the epic Super Mario Bros. episode of Good Nintentions prepped in advance, but there are a lot of things going on in my personal life at the moment that are cutting into my video time. We'll see!


Game Boy World #070: Dr. Mario [Nintendo, 1990]

The good-but-not-amazing Nintendo puzzler gets a curiously compromised Game Boy version, which established a world first: Namely, the first game to debut day-and-date on both a console and a handheld system. They're essentially identical, barring some unfortunate visual changes and the lack of title screen music and intermission graphics in the Game Boy release.



Out of all the GB games I own this is the only one that brings me back. It's probably the only game as close to Tetris for me.

frankie coleman

I know it's wrong but the song at the end sounded like a Japanese version of Halloween by the Misfits