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Apropos of nothing, I had a sudden urge to let you, my video patrons, know how grateful I am for your support these past, what, seven years? Whew. Your continued support for my little passion project has made it possible for me to venture into areas of gaming history that few people have made a serious effort to explore, and to constantly improve the depth and quality of my work. These videos and books wouldn’t exist without you, and I truly appreciate the fact that I don’t need to worry about the YouTube Algorithm to justify publishing my work. I have a lot of interesting (I hope!) side excursions planned for 2022, including an extensive trip through the Master System library and some looks at the games released for American consoles that weren’t NES/Master System/7800 throughout 1985-88. Please look forward to it, and thank you again for making all this nonsense possible.


Nik Gothic

You're welcome Jeremy. You're doing God's work.


It's been such a rewarding pleasure subscribing to your Patreon because of all the great work you put into your content. A much better monthly payment than any other game-related subscription out there (looking at you, NSO Expansion Pack!)