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A personal favorite this week—in case you couldn't tell from the time and enthusiasm I lavished on this episode. Life Force is one of those games I used to play so much I could beat it in a single credit without the cheat code, and it was nice that I still have a decent amount of muscle memory for it. At the same time, it's been so long since I'd last played it, a lot of the specifics had faded from memory, so I got to revisit the game with an older and more seasoned perspective. Can you believe it?: It still rules.


Life Force & World Class Track Meet retrospective: Vic boss | NES Works #084

Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! Production notes: - NES and Famicom footage in this episode was captured from @Analogue Nt / Nt Mini / Nt Mini Noir via RGB out. - Standard definition video upscaled to 720 with xRGB Mini Framemeister and @Retro Tink 5X. There is a small amount of visual distortion in certain vertically scrolling sequences that the latest Retro Tink firmware update appears to address.


Kevin Bunch

Ah, how many afternoons did my friend in elementary school and I sit down and try to clear this game? We usually did too, thanks to the lives code!

Sven Mascarenhas

Yes, yes, Life Force is great. But, let's face it... the Golgo 13 experience is what everyone's here for. Positively giddy, perhaps even moreso than I was before Metal Gear.