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I'm trying to get back onto my old schedule of producing at least one video per week, if not more. So here's a second video for this week: Episode 12 of Good Nintentions. Yeah, it says episode 11 in the title card. Gotta fix that.

Two more games until Good Nintentions 1985 is wrapped up. That's pretty exciting, I have to say.

Thanks for your support this month! I have some big plans for June, including a backer request episode, a long-developing new project or two, and... oh. E3. So maybe some of those big plans will happen in July...


Good Nintentions #012: Kung-Fu [Irem/Nintendo, 1985]

The very first third-party release for NES... mostly. Developed by Irem, based on an Irem arcade game, yet published by Nintendo in both Japan and the U.S., Kung-Fu is something of an edge case. Whatever the case, though, it sure did look awesome back in 1985, with its bold graphics and proto-fighting-game mechanics.


James Jackson

Couldn't get to Mr. X either, eh? :|

James Jackson

Same here. I wanted this on Virtual Console only so I could save-state my way through it, a la Ninja Gaiden