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Surprise! I was able to put together an episode for this week after all. Fortunately I was well into the video production process for this when my computer died, and my wife let me set up camp on her system for the weekend. (And after losing way too much data over the years, I keep everything I create duplicated with both a local backup and Dropbox, so it would take something close to a nuclear event to completely wipe my work.)  So, huzzah! And I have a non-dead computer on its way to me sometime in the next week, so there's a happy conclusion to this unhappy week.

Anyway, Ice Climber. Yep.


Good Nintentions #010: Ice Climber [Nintendo, 1985]

This cooperative platformer occupies a somewhat unfortunate place in history: It attempted to build on the concepts of the original Mario Bros., but it arrived just before Super Mario Bros. set a new standard for run-and-jump action. It's an amusing and quirky game, but its awkward controls leave it completely overshadowed by the masterpiece that was to come.


Diamond Feit

Interesting to see that the FDS Ice Climbers retained the fuzzy enemies of the US version and lost the seals of the FC original.