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Coming in just under the wire, here's your second chunk of bonus content for the month: The fourth episode of Famiconversations. After a few episodes of warm-up, this time I downshift into low gear and begin the real purpose of this show: Talking in detail about the games covered in NES Works and Segaiden, with outside perspectives that will (hopefully) offer new information and perhaps new opinions to my own. This time around, Dylan Cornelius of Sega Does and assorted other game chronology projects weighs in on the comparative merits of the three games that appeared at launch for the Famicom vs. the first three items in the SG-1000 library.



Branwen Shoop

It finally dawned on me why Popeye looks the way it does: just like Donkey Kong originated from converted Radar Scope boards, Popeye started out as Sky Skipper - a game that has even blocker backgrounds and even more detailed apes.


This is probably my favorite episode of the podcast so far. It was definitely a lot more new information for me for the last two, but I like the way you two conversed here, plus the bits of game audio in between portions actually segue and bridge things very well.


Also, I have a little more detail on that special edition of Donkey Kong you touched upon. It was also available briefly in 2012 for 3DS as part of a special promotion, where you'd get a download code for it if you bought one of four first-party games that had come out around that time. I received it after purchasing Crosswords Plus.