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Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that converting

Game Boy World 1989 to the series' new, larger, less-cramped format went a lot more quickly than expected; in fact, I managed to start and complete it yesterday. 

The bad news is that the larger format, contrary to my expectations, has resulted in a book that will list for 10% less than the original edition due to the fact that the contents went from 136 small, crowded pages down to 104 large, roomy pages. No, wait, that's good news. 

The bad news is that the book looks much nicer in the larger format. Hmm, no, that's a good thing, never mind. 

The actual bad news is that I'm posting the revised edition PDF here for everyone who supports this campaign while the book goes in for proofing. Whoops, wait. That's also good. 

I guess there's no bad news. So... I guess there's nothing to be done but for you to enjoy. Enjoy!


Jeremy Parish

I made some minor edits to a couple of articles, but nothing of any significance. It's 99.5% the same content as the previous edition.

The Nintendo Force

Jeremy, it looks like you're missing a space between "Game Boy" and "handheld" on the front cover. It's smooshed together as GameBoyhandheld.

Jeremy Parish

Yep, that's been corrected in the live version. I think five copies sold before it was fixed, so hopefully those five people won't be upset.