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Before March goes out like a lamb (or however it is that the month traditionally makes its exit), here's the latest episode of the Famiconversations podcast. We'll be getting to the NES stuff in due time, but before we get to the well-trod territory, the podcast is taking a quick detour into the past of the past—the history behind the history. Basically, a quick conversation about the console platforms that predate Atari 2600 and the NES.

Description: This month, vintage gaming historian Kevin Bunch and Odyssey^2 enthusiast Earl Gray delve into the prehistory that preceded Nintendo and Sega's game consoles as we look back at the platforms of the ’70s: Pong clones, the Odysseys, and Channel F.



Peter LaPrade

Learned some interesting stuff about the Odysseys and the Channel F. I think a year timed exclusive for us Patrons sounds fair before it goes on a public feed. And of course more Mahjong on the SG-1000 sounds lovely. Certainly you'd get a lot of mileage out of discussing the ColecoVision and its very similar Japanese counterparts in the SG-1000 and the MSX so I look forward to that even though I know very little about the ColecoVision. Good episode, Kevin and Earl are both great guests.

Jeff Pomaybo

As someone who got their first system, the Atari 5200, in, yep, xmas 1983 (sigh), Im very excited for future pre NES eps.