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Work is officially underway on Game Boy World 1990 Vol. 1! I expect the next few weeks will involve a whole lot of photography, photo editing, scanning, rewriting, and paste-up. I decided to spoil myself a little and jump straight to the fun part though: Namely, layouts.

I've been champing at the bit to mock up the next book's cover, simply because my vision for this series is something I've been excited to see take shape since it began: Each Game Boy World book will have a different Game Boy version on it, working through the different Play It Loud! brick model colors, then the various Pockets, then Light, and eventually different color models if I manage to live that long. (Seriously, we're talking like 25 years from now at my current productivity rate.) GBW 1989, of course, featured the original Game Boy on the cover, as is only appropriate, so I decided to go bold with this first color cover and use the red brick model. My favorite brick model is the transparent one, but this volume needed to make a statement.

The book internals won't differ too much from the first volume, however. If it ain't broke, and all that — I still need to tweak templates, and there'll be more varied layouts, but on the whole this is an informational/archival affair, so I want to keep it clean and simple with big photos. 

1990 Vol. 1 will have a few differences from the first book, though. Based on reader feedback, it'll be a larger book — I'm designing for an 8x10" layout like Good Nintentions rather than the 7x9" I used for GBW89. It'll also be bigger in terms of content — 46 games versus 25. I'm kind of tempted to put the book on hold for a month and produce another four episodes to bring it to 50 and perfectly double the previous volume, but... nah.

Expect numerous updates over the coming weeks as I put my nose to the wheel and work on this book! And of course, those of you at the PDF and print book support levels will be receiving your copies before anyone else as my small way of saying thank you... hopefully I'll have everything ready to go in May!



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