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Alright, here we go. Segaiden, and specifically the SG-1000's catalog, will be occupying the bulk of my energy for the foreseeable future. I've made ominous rumblings about this for a while, but I've wanted to bring Sega 8-bit coverage into this scheme for ages, and it's only recently I've been able to secure both the plan and the resources to do it properly. I find the journey we're about to take here incredibly intriguing, and I hope you will too.

This "Road to NES Works" effort won't be wholly Sega-focused. I will also be exploring Famicom releases through 1984 and ’85 (having already covered 1983 in an early episode of NES Works Gaiden) in parallel with the Sega releases, to better establish just what each platform offered fans. All of this will culminate in Oct. of 1985, when the focus shifts to the NES and, soon after, the Master System. I'll be covering multiple games (four to six) in most of these episodes, so this trip through Sega's history won't take as long or be as granular as NES Works has been—because, after all, my main focus here is still the NES (and, once we catch back up to it in the chronology, Game Boy). 

I realize SG-1000 coverage won't be most people's cup of tea, but I'm ultimately more interested in building a comprehensive survey of post-crash console gaming than in building up my YouTube subscription numbers. Thanks to people like you, I can afford not only to do that, but to do it right. (And thanks to collectors like Omar Cornut, who will be helping me with a handful of SG-1000 games that are way too pricey for me to realistically acquire on my own.) 

Enjoy! And, again, it won't be all Sega, all the time. In fact, next week, we'll be looking at a very important Nintendo milestone.


Sega SG-1000 retrospective: The real family computer | Segaiden #003

The road to NES Works begins here! It's difficult to know what the year 2021 has in store for us, but you can at least look forward to one constant (fingers crossed): This comprehensive deep dive into the Sega 8-bit catalog. Beginning this week, most of my effort for much of 2021 will be focused on exploring the history of the Sega SG-1000 before rolling into the American Master System launch, bringing these compact Sega overviews into line with NES Works 1988 (which we'll still be checking in on from time to time!). I'll also be producing extremely brief summaries of the Famicom games released in Japan in parallel to these SG-1000 titles throughout 1984 and ’85, all the way through the American NES launch. This episode kicks things off with an overview of the Sega SG-1000's launch, which happened to fall on the same day as the debut of Nintendo Famicom, and the hardware itself. Special thanks for this series to: Omar Cornut, segaretro.org, and Analogue Co. Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


A Kane

I've been looking forward to this! I'm fascinated to hear about the less widely known consoles

Kris Randazzo

Just finished and it’s already so fascinating! I can’t wait to start diving into the actual games. Outstanding!!!