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Hey everyone, we're closing in on the end of the month and the end of Game Boy World 1990 Vol. 1. I don't think I'm quite going to get the final video produced by the end of February, but it's going to be close! By cracky.

I'm sorry to say that these two final games are not very good, and by "not very good" I mean "awful." Wow. We're talking some hot messes here.

Once I wrap these last two videos, I'll be working on prepping text and images for the next GBW book, which will probably take all of March and a bit beyond. I'll still be making a few new videos (moving over to the NES 1985 lineup), but for the most part I'll be sharing photos, write-ups, and scans for the next while. I'm looking forward to having another book under my belt, even if Amazon's printing service doesn't offer hardcovers, or the landscape format that I designed the first revision of Game Boy World 1989 for... it looked so good! Ah well. We flew too close to the sun, I suppose.

Anyway, here's a write-up of a game you've almost certainly never heard of, or played. My advice is to keep it that way.


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