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Greetings, gentlebeings. We're somehow almost a third of the way through October, so I'm overdue for the monthly preview. This time, though, I thought I'd share my tentative schedule of posts for the remainder of the year. Things always shuffle around along the way, but I have a pretty solid plan in place at this point as I move toward my general strategic shift in content for 2021, so by and large this should be pretty close to what you'll actually be watching through the end of the 2020—definitely in terms of content, if not in terms of sequence.


14: Metroidvania Works #13: Castlevania II & Golvellius
21: NES Works Gaiden #15: Elite*
28: NES Works Gaiden #16: The Aladdin Deck Enhancer*


4: Game Boy Works #121: Power Racer & Painter Momopie
11: NES Works #73: Gun.Smoke
18: Game Boy Works Gaiden #10: Lynx 1990, Pt. 3
25: Game Boy Works #122: Final Fantasy Legend II


2: Metroidvania Works #14: Maze of Galious & Metal Gear
9: NES Works Gaiden #18: The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
16: NES Works #74: Contra
23: Segaiden #3: SG-1000 Pt. 1
30: Segaiden #4: SG-1000 Pt. 2

Those last two episodes will be kicking off my new approach for the new year in earnest on the public channel. It's an extension of what I've already been doing with Lynx, Game Gear, and Atari 7800 coverage—but when it comes to Master System, the more I looked into the library and the tech, the more I realized how hard it is to draw a hard line between generations of Sega's first two consoles. I mean, the last couple of SG-1000 carts were even packaged and marketed as Mark III (Master System) releases in Japan. Many of Master System's releases built on existing SG-1000 content. And there's a whole lot of Sega arcade history wrapped up in SG-1000 and not a ton of deep coverage on the platform. So, let's take a look, shall we?

So, I'm going to be covering the SG-1000 in its entirety to fully lay the groundwork for Master System throughout the first half of 2021. I'll still be throwing in some NES Works and Metroidvania Works episodes to keep things centered, but my goal is to have NES, Master System, and Atari 7800 coverage in parallel by the end of 2021 so I can move forward in unison through their ’88 libraries and beyond. 

There'll be some changes to the Patreon at the start of the new year, too, including the introductions of some exclusive content (audio podcasts for sure, and maybe videos). First, though, I need to put together a really long Aladdin video and finish the Virtual Boy and Super NES books. (I'm looking at publisher proofs for the Virtual Boy Works 3D gallery this afternoon, so that one is very nearly there.)

And of course, thank you as always for your support! As this project has grown in scope, it's also grown in how much money and time it demands, and it would be impossible for me to make this happen with a consistent level of quality without each of you. Hopefully you find it a worthy investment.

*Patron request
±The jump in NES Works Gaiden numeration is due to a counting error—the Mega Man Legends episode will now be listed as #17 (whoops)


Joel Berube

Lookin' forward to it! In the meantime please enjoy this wholesome meme: https://i.imgur.com/05wiZsJ.jpg