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This week's Metroidvania Works brings us to the end of the small bubble in which several of the titles concerned have already been explored in NES Works. From here on out, it's pretty much going to be new and different material thanks to the survey approach of this series—and in fact, the lead item this week, Zelda II, won't show up on NES Works for quite some time thanks to the extended Famicom-to-NES localization delays that were common in the NES era.


Zelda II / Rygar / The Goonies II retrospective: NES is more | Metroidvania Works #11

The metroidvania genre expanded greatly in 1987 as developers grew more confident in their design concepts and technology began to expand to accommodate their ambitions. Nintendo's Famicom/Disk System/NES platform proved to be especially fertile ground for innovation, as these three different takes on the format demonstrate. While you could arguably classify Zelda II, Rygar, and The Goonies II as action-RPGs, each one interprets that concept in unique ways. The one thing they have in common? They attempt to push the creative boundaries of the 2D platformer by shifting viewpoints and perspective at various times: Zelda II with an abstracted, Dragon Quest-inspired overworld view, Rygar with a Zelda II-style top-down action format, and The Goonies II with a first-person adventure mode. Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Colbin Erdahl

It’s a good Wednesday when I can watch a new MVWorks. This episode really took me back to that time when you would be scrounging for any NES game you could get your hands on. Some were amazing polished works, some were shovelware, and then there were games like these that were so intriguing, even if often obtuse. Jeremy, you are so good at giving the context for these games, looking at what games the designers were aping, what they were trying for, and where they hit and miss. I love exploring the roots of what is likely my favorite genre. Also, after playing all the way through Rygar years ago, I just found out that there are spells.

Asai Moonsault

Links to the Gameboy works and NES works books are not working for Patrons. Can they get updated?