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Well, I'm a liar twice over. After all the frustration I had hunting for my copy of MK Trilogy, I stumbled across photos I took of the packaging several years ago. I could have sworn I took them, but they didn't show up... because they were tucked away on a backup hard drive. 

Unfortunately, I found it because I was hunting for photographs for the next video, which I am 100% positive I took, because I specifically remember editing them. But those have disappeared, too. So, yeah, I had to order a replacement for that set, too.

I guess the lesson here is that even though I keep all my games in labeled storage boxes and have a rigorous image filing system, when you are managing material for more than half a dozen different video series, everything goes to hell when you least expect it.

Anyway, please enjoy the video, which managed to ship on its targeted launch date after all.


Mortal Kombat Trilogy & Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Retrospective: MKUltra | N64 Works #004

N64 Works shifts into third gear—third-party gear, that is—with a pair of games that I am wholly unsuited to break down. So instead, this episode dives into the history surrounding them: The so-called N64 Dream Team, the checkered relationship between Nintendo and Mortal Kombat, and what this version of Trilogy says about the N64 when held side-by-side against the PlayStation release. Video Works is funded through Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Kyle Olson

As a kid with a job and few expenses who had not invested in Playstation or Saturn, I purchased every single game released for the N64 in 1996. But that wasn't hard, as there was a lack of content for the system. Outside of Mario 64, there was a lot of disappointment. Mortal Kombat Trilogy is one of the most forgettable. We had various fighters for years and it felt like yet another Mortal Kombat. Like you note, it was zippy, but we didn't even need a new game system to get most of this experience. Mortal Kombat was never a great skill fighting game, and we've ripped people's heads off plenty over the past few years in uncensored versions. And it kind of felt like "this is what we're stuck with on N64, Midway games" Even though there was no Hockey watched in my house, Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey got far more play. It was another shallow game on the system, but it played well, essentially NBA Jam in Hockey form, and most importantly it had 4 players so everybody could play. Because we played this so much, the limited selection of voice samples was an issue. The short ones were OK "He shoots" "Bombs away" "Deflected" "He deflected" "Stolen" "He steals it" "another steal" There's aren't many long ones ... but when they come they stick out like a sore thumb because of this. "What was he thinking." Sorry I pressed the wrong button "Robin Hood and his merry men are up to it again". Yeah, I know. "Robin Hood and his merry men are up to it again". You just said that. The N64's large number of voices allows the commentator to talk over himself at the end of periods. The commentator does a 10 second countdown while continuing to inform us of the activities of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.


Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey is the real star of this episode, Really enjoyed this game back in the day, despite never being a big fan of ice hockey. It's also the only reason I even know the name "Wayne Gretzky". lol Actually this and Blades of Steel (on GB) are the only two ice hockey games I ever played for longer than a couple of minutes. Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat, never cared much for it, but MK Trilogy probably wasn't released over here anyway.