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Well. I had really hoped to have this up yesterday to close out the month of October, but I spent a lot of time fussing over the particulars of this new video series... and then there were annoying video rendering issues resulting from my computer's latest OS update that I had to squash, which ended up wasting several hours of my weekend. Good times, good times.

But, anyway, it's here: The first episode of Good Nintentions. I've been planning this project for, oh, about a year now, so it's nice to finally have it rolling... although as usual with debut episodes, this one isn't 100% where I want it. Nevertheless, I think it's pretty solid. And, hopefully, different enough in style and thoroughness to merit attention, despite the fact that the NES retrospective market is pretty saturated at this point.

Please enjoy. Or, if you don't, at least be kind?


Good Nintentions Episode 001: Baseball [Nintendo, 1985]

Hi! Welcome to the first episode of Good Nintentions, the full-color companion piece to Game Boy World. This series will serve as a chronological survey of the NES (the first year or two of its life, anyway), published less frequently than Game Boy World... basically, as the mood strikes me.


Alex Medina

You could make a 32X retrospective and it still be awesome!